Katie Rich

Here’s how Julie answered the questionnaire:


Name of Giftee

Katie Rich

What's your relationship to this person?

My best friend ever

What's their actual age?

I think 40? Maybe 41. No clue.

Now what would you say is their spirit age?

She's exactly the right age at any moment because she lives very authentically within herself. but sometimes when we're drinkin' our spirit age is 15 year old teenagers

Where do they live?

Chicago (sometimes in LA) (for a while New York)

Describe this person in three adjectives

Brilliant, hilarious, protective

Who are some bands/artists they love?

Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Phish, Wilco, Hendrix, Wu Tang, Soul Coughing, Tori Amos, Morphine, Metallica, Van Halen, Bowie, NIN

If you were to start a cover band with this person, what's the first song you'd choose to cover - and why?

Chalkdust Torture by Phish. Bc we love it and i want to see her lose her mind on stage singing it.

What do they like to do for fun?

Play with her dog (rescue pittie!) Lulu, watch sports, hang with her husband, take trips to Wisconsin, read, rest.

Describe your favorite shared memory with this person

There are 2 -
One is being at her wedding, and being appointed to be the person to "take care of everything and yell at people" and kicking her parents out of the room when she asked me to.

Then, being her date to the emmys a couple years ago and us shoving nachos in our face in the lobby amongst all the 20k dresses.

Are there any particular artists or genres they don't like (that you know of)?

21 Pilots ("I think they're the worst band on earth") She doesn't like current country but likes old school, Patsy Cline, etc.

You're going on a road trip together! What's the first song you blast in the car?

Chicken Fried by Zac Brown Band - because we once did a show together and I used that as a needle drop and it made us laugh hysterically every time. So now whenever it comes on we lose our minds. We know. It's a trash song.

What song would you pick to cheer this person up?

Go Cubs Go

What song would you pick for a dance party with this person?

We Are Family

Name three things this person is passionate about

Her family, pitbulls, womens rights, sports. (i did four sorry!)

What would you and this person most likely be doing on a typical Saturday night?

Going to a dive bar, streaming a phish show at her house and crushing white claws, maybe watching a bulls game and screaming at the TV.

If you were to cook a dish with this person, what dish would it be and why?

we would order in. We don't cook. We're trash.

You're both starring in a TV show together - what's the theme song?

Spanish Flea - Herb Alpert

If you could go anywhere in the world with this person, where would that be, and why?

Italy. She's Italian and I've always wanted to go there with her.

What's a hidden talent or skill of theirs?

Katie is skilled at talking about grief. She's written many pieces and has done interviews. I would say she's passionate about that and incredible at speaking to a difficult subject.

Is there a theme you'd like this playlist to have?

Pure Joy.

What does this person mean to you?

The literal world. We always tell each other "you are my left arm" We hold each other up through everything (breakups, deaths, major life transitions, health issues) I look up to her so much and admire her, and I know I can rely on her.